English Funny Jokes

Two bful gals and 1 very hensome boy traveled in a public bus. Gals tried to get his attenson bt he ignored 'em. At once boy's phone rang. He ignored it and did't attend. One gal cudn't resist and interupted. "Your phone is ringing" she said. "Umm.. yes it is. It must be her.. my wife.. who else", the boy said softly.

Characters count: 319

**Degree of Girls**

BA- Beautiful Angel
BSc- Beautiful Structure
BL- Beautiful Lips
BCom- Beautiful Completely
MBA- Married But Available

(Characters count: 138)

There r many brave people who alwayas want 2 be adventurous.
Few choose the armed forces & fight for the nation,others get married & fight for their survival..

(Characters count: 157)

My wife treats me like GOD.! She makes NO notice of my existence until she wants some thing.

(Characters count: 92)

Best relationship needs no promises no demands n no expectation,it just need 2 people 1fool like u n 1cool like me. :)

(Characters count: 118)

The height of bad luck... A girl and boy met last time for breakup Unfortunatly girl's father caught them.. Now they are married couple!

(Characters count: 136)

Once a boy said to girl: Come in my heart and stay here forever.
Girl: Should i remove my sleepers??
Boy: No honey, its not a temple, come without removing.

(Characters count: 157)

Is it true that the word STUDYING
was derived from STUdents DYING?

(Characters count: 138)

First Guy (proudly): 'My wife's an angel!'

Second Guy: 'You're lucky, mine's still alive.'

(Characters count: 92)

First Guy (proudly): 'My wife's an angel!'

Second Guy: 'You're lucky, mine's still alive.'

(Characters count: 121)

A husband gave the key of his new car to wife
with a warning

If u met with accident, newspapers will print your age!" :-P ;-)